World Environment Day 2011

World Environment Day 2011 

The World Environment Day is observed every year on the 5th of June. As such, it will be held on the same date in 2011. This day is special because it is the occasion when the United Nations (UN) creates a worldwide awareness of preserving the environment. However, it is not a public holiday.

World Environment Day is the day for global action and resolution toward keeping the environment healthy for one and all. The United Nations Environment Programme focuses on creating a cleaner and greener environment. Under this initiative, activities are carried out throughout the year. However, World Environment Day is the occasion when the activities reach the climax. The UN has been taking special initiatives and observing this day since 1972.

Theme of the World Environment Day 2011

The World Environment Day 2011 theme is Forests: Nature at Your Service. The purpose of this theme is to see that special importance is given to forests by different countries. In fact, this is the reason why the United Nations has declared 2011 as the International Year of Forests.

Host of World Environment Day 2011

Under the United Nations Environment Programme, India has been declared the host of 2011 World Environment Day. The aim is to let India and other countries strive hard through the process of developing a green economy. Keeping this in mind, the World Environment Day 2011 theme has been declared as one which should help people worldwide understand why forests are important. This will help them indulge in activities to conserve the forests and ensure a green environment.

The venues for the observance of World Environment Day 2011 in India are the cities, Delhi and Mumbai. A number of activities will be held in these venues just to make people aware of the positive aspects of a green environment.

Celebrations on World Environment Day 2011

Read on to know how the UN as well as the common people may observe the World Environment Day 2011.

How the UN Will Celebrate the Day
On the World Environment Day 2011 (WED 2011), the UN is expected to give emphasis on the fact that individual actions to preserve the nature can actually help in sustaining a green environment. The WED 2011 in India will witness a wide range of activities like tree-planting by schools and community clean-ups including initiatives to clean up the parks in cities. Photo contests on forests will be held. Besides, bird watching trips will be organized on the World Environment Day 2011. A number of organizations may hold exhibitions to showcase the importance of forest preservation. In addition, there’ll be green petitions and campaigns held in order to emphasize the need for a cleaner and greener environment.

A special highlight of the World Environment Day is the colors used in numerous promotions of the events held on this occasion. The primary colors used are green, blue and brown. These are colors that stand for the earth or nature and its resources. Some of the images and photos used to promote the campaigns on this day include snow-clad mountains, unpolluted rivers and natural flora and fauna.

How People May Celebrate the Day
World Environment Day is celebrated worldwide amidst parades and processions, concerts and campaigns. You may find similar kind of celebrations on this special day in 2011. Tree-planting and clean-up campaigns may be undertaken to make sure the entire world makes an effort to maintain a green and clean environment. There are several countries which make use of the events on the World Environment Day in order to seek political attention toward improving the environment. You may find the same thing happening this year as well.

The World Environment Day 2011 will hopefully reinstate the fact that the environment needs to be saved. This is important, as otherwise the present and future generations can’t sustain a healthy life ahead.